
Onboarding: Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Onboarding: Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Colourful sticky notes saying "Welcome to the team" on a pin board to represent company onboarding

According to Harvard Business Review, 88% of employees feel that their organisation’s onboarding practices could be improved. Meanwhile, in the member organisation realm, almost half of surveyed individual member organisations are losing 40% of their first-year members. Appropriate onboarding saves money in recruitment and productivity. So, it is worth it to invest in strategies that make your new members and employees feel appreciated, welcome and prepared.

Branded merchandise is the perfect accompaniment to your onboarding strategy. Below, we’ll show you how to incorporate real products into your onboarding practices to make the best first, and lasting impression.

What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is how you introduce new employees and members to your brand. For employees, onboarding processes introduce their new workplace and teammates, and familiarise them with brand policies, processes and the work they’ll be performing.

Essentially, thoughtful and thorough onboarding demonstrates your brand’s commitment to your employee’s success.

In the same vein, effective onboarding of members new to your association demonstrates your commitment to providing the most value for their membership. As your members are orientated to your organisation, its processes and benefits, they should receive insights into your brand identity. Familiarity and trust then leads to a longer-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship.

“A strong start gives you an advantage in facilitating long-term happiness and success as part of your community... How you welcome new members to your association sets the tone for their overall membership experience, so don’t neglect this important part of the process.”

Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments

What are they?

Over our 20+ years of branding experience, we’ve learned that the most effective brands connect with their audience in key must-win moments. Now, these moments vary across industries, but we’ve narrowed them down to the eight most common.

  • Onboarding
  • Point of Sale Presence
  • Events and Tradeshows
  • Campaigns and Promotions
  • Gift With Purchase
  • Educational Campaigns
  • Rewards
  • Calendar-Based Events

You may find that your brand focus is just one of the key moments. On the other hand, your brand might find the most success in three, or five, or all of these. Whichever it is, if you can bring your brand to life in these key must-win moments, you can make a meaningful connection with your audience.

Why is onboarding one of the key, must-win moments?

You know that first impressions are incredibly important. While onboarding is not the first time your employees or members encounter your brand, it is their first look behind the curtain. As such, onboarding sets the tone for their entire experience. How they’re onboarded influences their perception of your brand.

Effective onboarding also helps your members understand the value and benefits of your brand. It ensures they have a smooth transition into accessing your services, reducing the likelihood of confusion or frustration. This, in turn, increases member retention and engagement, as they are more likely to continue using your service or participating in association activities.

Joining your team or community is a critical moment. You can improve your onboarding and win this key moment with the help of branded merchandise. Below are some examples.

“Organizations with strong onboarding practices improve employee retention by 82% and productivity by more than 70%.”

Rebecca Zucker

Harvard Business Review

How to enhance your onboarding with promotional products.

Equip your team

When your new hires start it’s likely that they’re not starting fully equipped. Whether they’ve been in a similar role or not, they’ll need to be completely set up to make them feel comfortable and prepared. Promotional products, or branded merchandise can help them feel like part of the team.

A uniform is the first thing you might think of. You can read about uniforms and branded apparel in another blog, but the idea is that everyone on your team is on-brand. Uniforms, or any branded apparel, facilitate that feeling of belonging.

Backpacks are another common onboarding product. They’re functional and diverse, with styles and features useful to any industry. If your new starters are commuters, a backpack with hi-vis elements or anti-theft functions would be a great onboarding gift. Equipment that makes their work-life easier is a great place to start with onboarding products.

Mugs, mouse mats, notebooks and pens are other common onboarding products. They can be used on site and in the home-office. But if you’re looking for something more functional, or more unique, consider a branded laptop stand or wireless charging desk clock.

Welcome your members

Show your new members that they’ve made the right choice. Firstly, by thanking them. Promotional products make great thank you gifts. Exclusive gifts, just for new members, makes your promotional products even more desirable. For premium sign-ups, you might like to give them beautiful, branded glassware that they can’t get anywhere else.

Secondly, your onboarding goal might be to add value to new memberships. Not only will you be making your services available, but your members will also be rewarded for signing up. Sweeten the deal with bonus merch to increase member satisfaction and engagement. This type of onboarding pack would include fun and functional products like stress items, stationery and tech products.

Finally, what’s a warm welcome without an introduction? Facilitating a community is a key method to increasing initial engagement that leads to future engagement. As stated above, uniforms are a great way to create a team. Matching t-shirts are the equivalent in a member organisation environment. They don’t need to be wearing them at the same time, or even in the same place. Just knowing that others have received the same helps to build a community that your new members are a now a part of.

Create on-brand experiences.

Whatever your onboarding goals, aligning with your brand identity is key. So what is on-brand for your business? Are you fostering a “family feel”? Or perhaps a professional network niche? You can show more of your brand personality through the welcome gifts and branded start-up packs you give.

Is your brand about warmth and building relationships? You could be the grandma that sends socks through the mail.

Or the trusted advisor that forsees any issue and always has the just the thing. For your new hybrid worker, it’s a multi-device charging dock.

Finally, your brand might be the industry leader who understands members’ needs and fills them with custom, industry specific merchandise.

Whatever your brand, promotional products can amplify who you are. They’re tools to enable on-brand interactions and create memorable experiences in your key moments.

Onboarding can be done better. Welcoming people into your brand is a key moment. It should give them everything they need to be successful. Whether that’s knowledge of your processes and systems, an introduction to their new support network or the equipment that can make their work-life more enjoyable. It should also reflect who you are and how much you appreciate the individual investing their time and energy with you. You can express your thanks and provide more value with promotional products.   

For more insights, have a look at a few of the articles below.

Three Ways to Leverage Your Branded Merchandise to Support Hybrid Employees – Forbes

Onboarding Best Practices – Forbes


Educational Campaigns: Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Educational Campaigns:
Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

educational campaigns represented with community, recycling and health icons.

Educational campaigns can be hard to get right. Making people care about your message, cause or issue is tough. Especially when you are trying to change behaviours. However, when effective, educational campaigns leave powerful lasting impressions that make individuals, communities and the environment better. If yours is a socially minded brand, educational campaigns are part of your marketing efforts.

So, how do you ensure yours are as effective as possible? Below, we’ll show you why educational campaigns are a key moment for your brand. As well as how to make sure they’re hitting the mark and making a difference.

What are Educational Campaigns?

Also known as social marketing, educational campaigns use marketing principles and techniques to influence and motivate people to adopt positive behaviours that benefit them personally, or the wider community. Essentially, it’s about brands using marketing strategies to bring about positive and lasting social change.

Effective educational campaigns create an emotional connection between your brand and community. This is great for business, but the goal is to benefit those in your sphere of influence. That might be through encouraging a change in behaviour for safety or better health, inspiring them to take specific actions to protect the environment, or making them aware of social issues that impact them.   

 “At the heart of social marketing efforts is enhancing the quality of life of individuals, communities and societies as a whole.” *

Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments

What are they?

Over our 20+ years of branding experience, we’ve learned that the most effective brands connect with their audience in key must-win moments. Now, these moments vary across industries, but we’ve narrowed them down to the eight most common.

  • Educational Campaigns
  • Campaigns and Promotions
  • Point of Sale Presence
  • Events and Tradeshows
  • Gift With Purchase
  • Onboarding
  • Rewards
  • Calendar-Based Events

You may find that your brand focus is just one of the key moments. On the other hand, your brand might find the most success in three, or five, or all of these. Whichever it is, if you can bring your brand to life in these key must-win moments, you can make a meaningful connection with your audience.

Why are educational campaigns one of the key, must-win moments?

Educational campaigns are an opportunity for brands to firstly, create better outcomes for their audience. These are essential moments for not-for-profit and health organisations where health-centred campaigns make a big difference to their service clients and community. Anti-smoking campaigns or targeted messaging that encouraging regular dental check-ups and an example.

Secondly, organisations can use educational campaigns to further- and rally support for their cause. Many brands are focused on lessening their environmental impact. You may use social marketing to demonstrate your commitment to making environmentally friendly changes while motivating others to follow suit. This approach builds your brand’s credibility and fosters trust between you and your customers.

Finally, educational campaigns position your brand as a change-maker. That is, change for the better. On an individual level, your social marketing empowers your customers, clients and audience with the knowledge, the support and the tools to be part of the change that improves their community and environment.

So how do you make sure your educational campaign is a success? There’s one way that we know.

“Realising that factors in the broader environment influence people’s motivation, opportunity and ability (MOA) to adopt a desired behaviour, a social marketing approach works with participants and change agents in ways that improve peoples’ quality of life and enhance society as a whole.”

How to boost your educational campaigns with promotional products.

Drive your message home

The location of your message is critical for its effectiveness. If your audience can’t see it, how are they supposed to take it in and act on it? As a marketer, you are aware that the home is an important environment for your message. This is because your audience is guaranteed to encounter your educational campaign’s message if it is inside their home. They’re more likely to interact with it and consider its value when they are exposed to it in their place of residence.

Promotional products that are useful in the home give your educational campaigns greater visibility. Did you know that 91% of consumers have at least one promotional product in their kitchen? 81% even have two! This is where your clients and customers spend an average of three to five hours a day. Branded merchandise, such as magnets, mugs and medication organisers are prime opportunities to make your social marketing message visible.

Make change accessible

Your branded merchandise can actually be the vehicle to enable change! Take our client, Yarra Valley Water for example. With the help of branded reusable drink bottles, they and other Choose Tap partners have reduced the number of single-use plastic water bottles that end up in their local environment.

Being committed to the cause means investing in the systems and tools that make positive changes easy, or even possible. For some, this means the changes you envision may be out of reach due to cost or circumstance. Giving promotional products in your social marketing campaign can be just the thing your audience needs to get on board and start their journey to better health or social responsibility.

Consider the impact of your branded reusable silicon straw set in your campaign against single-use plastics. Or perhaps your informational meal portion plates in your food education campaign. Finally, using your branded three minute shower-timer could mean your audience uses 36 litres of water instead of 150 litres. Isn’t that a spectacular outcome for your water use educational campaign?

Create on-brand experiences.

As always, creating experiences where your clients and customers can connect with your organisation is the key to winning your branded moment. For educational campaigns, that connection is what will inspire your audience to be part of the change your are working towards.

When it comes to your on-brand experience, make it positive and impactful. One way of doing this is to tap into the emotion you want to elicit. If ‘Inspired’ is what you want your audience to feel, you can remind them that small, every day victories can make big change feel possible. Reinforce this idea with a small promotional product that start them on their journey toward big change.

Alternatively, you may want your audience to feel empowered. You can achieve this with an information and merch pack that helps them understand your message and share the message in their social circles.

Effective educational campaigns help your customers and client understand the importance of your message and believe in your cause. Adding real-world products to your campaign can even enable them to make the changes that you’re advocating for. Whether the goal is a healthier lifestyle, safer community or greater environmental consideration, your organisation can use promotional products to improve your social marketing efforts.  


Lee, N. R., & Kotler, P. (2015). Social marketing: Changing behaviors for good (5th Ed.). SAGE Publications.


Gifts With Purchase: Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Gifts With Purchase:
Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Kraft paper gift bags on a marble bench representing gifts with purchase.

Gifts with purchase are a common marketing strategy and key branded moment for many businesses. Employed across many industries, they are an effective way to connect with your clients and customers. And why not? Who doesn’t love getting something extra when purchasing a product they already wanted?

Below, you’ll find out how to increase your gifts with purchase conversion and turn one-time buyers into brand advocates with the power of promotional products. 

What are gifts with purchase?

Gifts with purchase are as the name suggests. That is, they are a bonus item given to your customer when they make a purchase. The gift could be tied to the product they purchase, for example, or given for purchases over a specified amount. On the other hand, the gift could be a limited time promotion tied to all purchases during the promotion period.

As a marketing strategy, a gift with purchase campaign has a range of brand benefits. Firstly, they incentivise purchases. Secondly, they build customer loyalty and show appreciation through rewarding repeat customers. Thirdly, you can increase the perceived value of the customer’s purchase. And finally, you attract new customers who are willing to make the switch for that little something extra

Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments

What are they?

Over our 20+ years of branding experience, we’ve learned that the most effective brands connect with their audience in key must-win moments. Now, these moments vary across industries, however we’ve narrowed them down to the eight most common.

  • Gift With Purchase
  • Point of Sale Presence
  • Events and Tradeshows
  • Campaigns and Promotions
  • Educational Campaigns
  • Onboarding
  • Rewards
  • Calendar-Based Events

You may find that your brand focus is just one of the key moments. Or maybe your brand finds the most success in three, or five, or all of these. Whichever it is, if you can bring your brand to life in these key must-win moments, you can make a meaningful connection with your audience.

Why is gifts with purchase one of the key, must-win moments?

Like a powerful point of sale presence, gifts with purchase enhance your brand appeal at the critical decision-making moment. For many brands, gifts with purchase can be the difference between a sale and a loss to their competitors. Hence, offering a high-quality, unique or personalized gift with purchase creates differentiation. More importantly, that differentiation encourages repeat purchases resulting in greater brand loyalty and market share.

Additionally, customers who have received a gift with their purchase are more likely to spend more with that brand. Afterpay conducted a customer survey in June 2022 that shows encouraging statistics. After surveying over 1,100 consumers, in Australia and New Zealand, they found that 67% want to receive a gift with purchase. Even better, 85% are willing to spend up to $250 to receive that gift with purchase.

So, gifts with purchase are an essential part of your marketing strategy. How, then, do you make sure they hit the mark and therefore create meaningful on-brand experiences?

How to win your gifts with purchase campaign with promotional products.

Share the appreciation

Forbes reports that the number one reason customers switch brands is because they feel underappreciated. That being said, while your gifts with purchase goals may be more sales-related, a happy follow on is that your customers feel like you care. From a marketing perspective, your sales rate increases, but from a customer care perspective, customers feel like they’re seen and appreciated. Particularly if your gift is branded and on-brand. That is, it brings your brand to life for the customer.

“Gift with purchase is especially effective because it feels nice for the customer and can appear to be a reward for their loyalty.”

The most effective gift with purchase campaigns offer high value gifts that complement and align with your brand. However, understanding what your clients like and appreciate is key. For example, a gift with purchase campaign offering a slow seller as a gift does not have the same incentive as a custom-branded product that complements their purchase. This is because customers don’t like the slow seller as much as the product they’ve set out to buy. Therefore, an effective gift is one that enhances their purchased product, making it all the more appealing.

Promotional products like laptop sleeves and tech pouches, caps and apparel accessories, and stand-out stationery can be the ideal gift with purchase depending on your industry and product or service offering. The point is to be on-brand and appreciate your customers by adding extra value to their buy.

Gift lasting impressions

Branded gifts for your gift with purchase campaign ensures that your organisation is remembered long after the purchase. Useful products, like drink bottles, duffle bags, key chains and coffee mugs are constant reminders of you, your generosity and their positive on-brand experience.

Promotional products do their best work in the hands of your prospective clients. In other words, branded merchandise generates more impressions out in the world. Rather than in your storeroom or in the box under your desk.

With every use your customers and prospects flash your brand. As a result, brand awareness increases among more of your target audience and creates curiosity. These micro-impressions build on each other until those prospects research, interact with and engage with your organisation.

Create on-brand experiences.

Gifts with purchase are a unique opportunity for your brand to generate an emotional connection with your customers and clients. As mentioned, your gift should be chosen to align with your brand’s image and values. Then, by giving away a product related to your core offerings, you reinforce your brand identity and create an emotional association with your customers. This association strengthens the relationship and makes your customers feel connected to your brand on a more meaningful level.

Giving gifts is a strategy to create branded, personal experiences. We know that people connect with people. It is the act of giving that helps brands be perceived on a personal level and connect with their customers’ emotions. Promotional gifts with purchase are a vehicle to drive emotional connection. Consequently, what that product is depends on your brand values and identity and aligns with your customers’ values.

“When companies connect with customers’ emotions, the payoff can be huge…Given the enormous opportunity to create new value, companies should pursue emotional connections as a science—and a strategy.”

Gift with purchase campaigns are not just about handing out a freebie; they tap into the powerful realm of emotions. By adding that little extra value to your customer’s purchase, your brand fosters appreciation, expands its reach and deepens relationships. Connecting with customers on an emotional level makes them feel valued and part of their brand family. That connection will help them to choose your brand over competitors at the key must-win moment.


Events and Trade Shows: Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Events and Trade Shows:
Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments for Brands

events and trade shows booth in an empty conference centre.

Brands, whether big or small, are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to showcase their products or services. Digital marketing may have taken center stage in recent years, however, the face-to-face interactions and immersive experiences of events and trade shows must remain an integral part of your marketing strategy. That’s where events and trade shows come into play.

Let’s dive into how industry events can benefit your brand and how you can make the most out of this must-win moment. 

What are events and trade shows?

Events and trade shows provide a unique opportunity for your brand to leave a lasting impression on your potential customers. By encouraging that step away from the screen to engage with real people, you can create memorable experiences that stick in the minds of attendees. Additionally, you will also develop a better understanding of your audience’s wants and needs.

From innovative booth designs and captivating product demonstrations to interactive games and giveaways, events and trade shows offer a platform to showcase your brand personality – resulting in a stronger connection between your brand and your target audience.

Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments

What are they?

Over our 20+ years of branding experience, we’ve learned that the most effective brands connect with their audience in key must-win moments. Now, these moments vary across industries, but we’ve narrowed them down to the eight most common.

  • Events and Tradeshows
  • Point of Sale Presence
  • Campaigns and Promotions
  • Gift With Purchase
  • Educational Campaigns
  • Onboarding
  • Rewards
  • Calendar-Based Events

You may find that your brand focus is just one of the key moments. On the other hand, your brand might find the most success in three, or five, or all of these. Whichever it is, if you can bring your brand to life in these key must-win moments, you can make a meaningful connection with your audience.

Why are events and trade shows one of the key, must-win moments?

Events and trade shows are firstly, a unique opportunity to generate leads and drive sales. Attendees at these events are often actively seeking new products or services, making it easier for you to target your ideal customer. Consequently, by collecting contact information, offering exclusive discounts or incentives, and following up with personalised communication, your team can convert qualified leads into buying customers.

Secondly, the face-to-face nature of these events allows your brand to establish trust and build relationships, resulting in customers with longevity that evolve into brand advocates.

Finally, events and trade shows provide an opportunity to learn from your competitors. Your event team may observe how other brands position themselves, which strategies they employ, and understand how customers respond. This information provides you with valuable insights into industry trends. Subsequently, you can make informed decisions about your own marketing efforts.

Never miss a deadline with our latest free events resource – Impact’s Event-Ready Checklist!

Create epic events and trade shows with promotional products.

Be helpful

For maximum return on investment, you are expecting high traffic, high engagement at events and trade shows. This means that you’ll need a good stock of promotional merchandise to pass on. For large scale events, you need high quantities of low cost “swag” that your prospects can take with them. Things like pens, tote bags and notepads are the most common. They’re popular because they are practical. Their use makes them last longer than a phone number on a business card.

However, it is critical to choose your products carefully. You must keep in mind that anything with your logo represents you brand and should not be perceived as tat.

The way to increase perceived value? Solve a problem. Products that relieve your prospects’ pain points will always be well-received. If they can continue making their lives easier long after the event is over, that’s even better. You can read about how to choose the perfect pen or the best environmentally friendly tote bag in our other articles.

Be desirable

On the other hand, a low quantity of promotional products with a high perceived value can be just as effective. These products work to draw attendees closer to engage with your booth. They encourage passersby to talk to your team and see what they need to do to get one of your high value giveaways.

As mentioned above, one of the beauties of promotional products is that they have a life beyond the event or trade show. When attendees take your items home or to their workplace after the event, they continue to be exposed to your brand. Your products extend the reach of your marketing efforts, sparking conversations with more potential customers who may not have attended the event – who’ll also want to know how to get their hands on your merch.

Co-branded products are effective high-percieved value giveaways for your trade show booth. We talk about co-branding as a promotional product strategy in this blog. But the short version is that your branded partner lends credibility to your own brand and allows you access to their existing customer base. Think of quality product brands like Yeti, Skullcandy, Moleskine and Titleist.  

Create on-brand experiences.

Interactive displays create memorable on-brand experiences. At a trade show or an event, using experiences to convey your brand is key to creating a meaningful moment. Impact client, Allegion included a prize spinner to their industry trade show experience and offered exclusive giveaways as prizes. You can read about their success in our case study. The interactivity and click of the spinner wheel made for a memorable moment that increased engagement and brand recall.

Setting your brand apart in a room full of your competitors is a challenge almost exclusive to events and trade shows. As well as interactive elements, you can also engage more senses than just sight and sound. By adding elements further than the visual you can create a multi-dimensional experience that resonates and stands out from the competition.

For example, Prime Super needed a cost-effective solution that would help them create a branded event experience right down to the smallest details. So, we created a custom-shaped coffee stencil. Every coffee that left their area carried their brand further. Consider bringing your branding into every detail, making every interaction at your booth or marquee a brand experience that lasts.

Events and trade shows offer a multitude of benefits that cannot be replicated online. From creating real on-brand experiences and building brand awareness to generating leads and fostering brand advocacy. Industry events and trade shows provide a unique opportunity for your brand to connect with your audience face-to-face and bring your brand to life. With real products to deliver unreal results, you’ll be able to make lasting impressions at scale at your next event.


Creative Campaigns and Promotions: Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

Creative Campaigns and Promotions:
Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments For Brands

a hand holding a bullhorn to symbolise campaigns and promotions.

Campaigns and promotions can be a game-changer for any brand. Not only do they generate immediate buzz and excitement, but they also help build brand awareness and loyalty in the long run. These marketing strategies create a sense of urgency that encourages your audience to take action. Moreover, campaigns and promotions provide an opportunity set your brand apart. So, whether it’s a limited-time offer or a creative on-brand experience, campaigns and promotions are a way to bring your brand to the forefront of your audiences’ mind.

Below, you’ll find out why campaigns and promotions are an essential marketing strategy for your brand. As well as how to win this key must-win moment.

What are Campaigns and Promotions?

Campaigns and promotions are marketing activities designed to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. This type of messaging has become more effective as marketers use tools that help them better understand their target audience. As a result, it can be difficult to make your brand voice heard. However, we at Impact know that creativity is the key to bringing your brand to life in your campaigns and promotions.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the first-ever brand endorsement was in 1882, when London socialite and West End actress, Lillie Langtry endorsed Pears Soap?

Impact’s 8 Key Must-Win Moments

What are they?

Over our 20+ years of branding experience, we’ve learned that the most effective brands connect with their audience in key must-win moments. Now, these moments vary across industries, but we’ve narrowed them down to the eight most common.

  • Campaigns and Promotions
  • Point of Sale Presence
  • Events and Tradeshows
  • Gift With Purchase
  • Educational Campaigns
  • Onboarding
  • Rewards
  • Calendar-Based Events

You may find that your brand focus is just one of the key moments. On the other hand, your brand might find the most success in three, or five, or all of these. Whichever it is, if you can bring your brand to life in these key must-win moments, you can make a meaningful connection with your audience.

Why are campaigns and promotions one of the key, must-win moments?

Campaigns and promotions are special marketing strategies that boost your brand. They give your efforts a focus and structure, which both contribute to your brand identity. A campaign that communicates on-brand helps your audience understand firstly, who you are; secondly, what you’re about; and finally, whether you’re a good fit.

Internally, the purpose of your campaigns and promotions should be clear. For example, your purpose could be to gain more followers, increase a particular product’s sales, or build your brand awareness in a target market. Additionally, your campaign or promotion has an end date when your results can be compiled and reported to determine its success.

Successful campaigns and promotions have similar elements. They are engaging copy, effective distribution, and real-world dimension in the form of branded merchandise.

“In digital marketing, email and social media campaigns have the highest ROI after SEO. Backed by campaign-specific giveaways, brands have seen 62% rise in brand awareness and almost 59% increase in online customer engagement.”

Win your campaigns and promotions with promotional products

Walk the walk

Consumers are looking for brands that they can trust and connect with. To build that trust, you must do what you say you’ll do. While ESG statements are common, it is the brands that deliver on their promises that increase their longevity and strengthen their brand.

When you develop campaigns and promotions, staying true to your brand values and ESG commitments conveys authenticity to your audience. It must be noted that it is the authenticity that resonates and encourages the relationship you’re looking for in a successful campaign or promotion. Therefore, if you can prove that you care about more than just the bottom line, your customers will feel like they’re part of something bigger.

Promotional products that support your environmental and social responsibility objectives are out there. The move toward sustainable branded merchandise is in full swing with recycled and biodegradable products easily available. Look for RPET apparel, headwear, device cases and bags, notebooks made from recycled milk cartons, wheat straw cups and containers, Kraft paper pens and backpacks. The variety is wide, and each product will tell your audience more of your authentic brand story.

See the need

Show that you understand your target audience by hitting the mark on what they need, as well as what they love. Practical products support your campaigns and promotions and make your brand go further for longer. Each use is an advertisement with the added bonus of fostering fond feelings. Why the appreciation, though? Because your branded product, and your brand, has saved the day. You’re the hero!

Useful products are the most effective. For example, branded outerwear, like jackets and jumpers, were the second-most purchased promotional product in 2020. Consumers also kept them for the longest period – 18+ months of consistent brand exposure.

Knowing what your clients need outside of your product or service offering and giving it to them will make your campaigns and promotions more successful. Don’t be limited by the most practical though. A hoodie may be nice, but a super-plush and over-sized hoodie is better and will become their favourite loungewear. A cute travel mug is good, but a double-walled vacuum insulated one is going to be what they bring to work.

Remember: Each use is an advertisement.

Create on-brand experiences.

Campaigns and promotions are often short-lived. Limited-time only and never-to-be-repeated offers mean that if you wait, you’ll miss it. Consequently, they are perfect opportunities to create and cash-in on consumer FOMO. They are also perfect opportunities to create memorable and engaging on-brand experiences.

Whatever the goals and content of your campaign your audience must connect and relate to your brand. You can achieve this with the above advice – authenticity and understanding your audience. You can then go further by adding interactive elements to your campaigns and promotions. Have your audience sign-up to complete a quiz and receive an exclusive gift based on their result. Alternatively, ask for a filmed review in exchange for your latest branded merchandise. Finally, your campaign might culminate in a once-in-a-lifetime event where the attendees get to take home a branded memento.

In all these examples, your campaigns and promotions come to life thanks to the power of promotional products. They speak to your audience in your brand voice and leave impressions that last far longer than the campaign or promotion itself. Each interaction with your piece of merchandise is a brand experience. Ensure it’s on-brand with our Right First Time Stress-Less Promotional Product Process.

Campaigns and promotions are a key must-win moment for brands. Communicating with your audience with these focused strategies increases brand awareness, generates leads, and drives sales. Targeted campaigns and promotions reach out to your clients and customers to communicate your brand values, building brand loyalty and establishing a positive relationship. 

Personalised and authentic campaigns and promotions show consumers that they’re seen and heard. Consider how your campaigns and promotions can use branded merchandise to engage with your audience on a more meaningful level. Add dimension to your marketing with products that reflect your brand values and resonate with clients and customers.


Are You Getting the Best Price?

Are you getting the best price for your promotional products?

A piggy bank surround by coins to show the best price.

We hear you. You want to know why you’re paying so much more for a product that you’ve seen on eBay or at the store for cheap. You want to know that when you buy through Impact, you’re getting the best price.

It’s great to browse physical shelves and get a feel for the product you want. Window shopping through actual windows is a fun part of the purchasing experience. Scrolling through the wild and whacky world of eBay is an awesome way to draw inspiration and find things you didn’t think possible or practical. At these places, while they can be cheaper, is the price actually better?

You get what you pay (or don’t pay) for

In most things in life, you can ask for a better price. However, the result might not be what you actually want. Think bargaining down on other things in life for example: building your new home, wedding, education, major surgery. In every case, if the investment is downgraded it is almost guaranteed the end result will be inferior.

The same applies in corporate gifts and branded merchandise. That is, if you drive down the price, you can watch the quality drop. This means the print scratches off, fades or doesn’t cover properly. Additionally, the service delivery may disappear as soon as the order is placed.

What you're missing out on

The cost of an item on eBay or in a store does not include:

  • Any customised decoration.
  • Artwork and production proofs that guarantee the look and feel you want.
  • Tried and tested quality from factories that we trust.
  • An account manager who will walk you through the order process and deal with any issues before, during or after production.
  • Any creative input from an experienced team who feel passionately about presenting your brand on the right promotional product.

Consultants with years of experience are the best people to partner with when you’re creating your promotional product marketing strategies. A consultant will consider the whole scope of your market, including target demographic, size of the market, outcomes required and successful past items in the industry and/or location. The impersonal nature of online shopping means that you won’t get this level of client care and industry knowledge with eBay or other virtual marketplaces.

When items are in store they are a part of the entire company’s stock that was purchased in bulk (we’re talking millions of units). The sheer amount of product purchased by stores means they actually paid very little per unit. Unless you’re looking for a similar number of products, a comparable cost per item just isn’t possible. Also, when you buy from the store, you very rarely get the best price they can offer until the product goes on sale. Until then you pay the unit cost plus a substantial markup.

Best quality > best price

It’s important to remember that promotional products represent your brand. Their quality and longevity makes an impression on your prospective clients and customers. 

While quality merchandise may not fit what you consider as inexpensive, it is an investment in your brand. Choosing the cheapest promotional product may give the impression that your brand is cheap or doesn’t value quality. This can impact how customers perceive your brand and affect their willingness to engage with your products or services. 

Finally, promotional products have the longest lifespan of any advertising strategies. Consumers will keep a promotional product for years if it has value. On the other hand, merchandise that you got for the “best price” may not last long, resulting in a shorter lifespan for your brand message. Investing in higher-quality products can ensure that your brand stays visible for a longer period. 

While eBay and in-store pricing looks appealing, it’s not indicative of the price of a product used as promotional merchandise. The best price for your promotional products may be higher but it gets you so much more than just the product. When we quote, we’re factoring in industry applicable markup as well as shipping, decoration costs and the cost of the product. Put all of these things together and you to get the best promotional products for the best price.


Australian Made Promotional Products

Home-Grown Heroes:
Australian-Made Promotional Products

Australian made promotional products logo with kangaroo jumping through green triangle.

As an Australian, family-owned business we love to support other Australian businesses. We’re proud to be working closely with manufacturers who are creating outstanding products in Australia for national and international clients. Below are Impact’s Top 6 Australian made promotional products perfect for branded merchandise and corporate gifts.

1. Akubra

We’ll start the list with a classic. The Akubra hat is an Australian icon designed and manufactured in Kempsey, New South Wales. 

Its quality and style is renowned throughout the world thanks to movies like ‘Crocodile Dundee’ and ‘The Man from Snowy River’, as well as supplying the Australian military since 1914. 

Stylish in a country, lifestyle or urban setting, these hats are a statement of true Australian craftsmanship. The possibility to have your brand on a real Aussie icon exists!

2. Hand-Poured Soy Wax Candles

Soy wax candles burn cleaner and slower than traditional candles. When they’re scent infused the smell is also clearer, making for a more efficient diffusion and evoking the senses. 

The products that can be personalized – custom branded and scented, are hand-poured in Perth and distributed from Sydney, guaranteeing fast national delivery for this luxury gift.

3. Socks

Socks stand out because almost every standing person is in them!

More seriously, if your branding exercise is to reach a certain demographic or target market, the intended recipient is reminded very regularly of your brand, even if it is just seeing it in the drawer every day.

However, if it’s a well-designed comfortable sock, like the ones from our Sydney manufacturer, a branded pair could easily become the favourite.

2021 guzman y gomez socks

4. Leather Coaster

We jump on the modern-farmhouse bandwagon next, to feature an Australian leather coaster.

These products look great debossed and add warmth and class to corporate spaces with their rustic aesthetic.

They’re artisan-crafted and distributed from Sydney and perfect for trendy interior styling.

5. Sports Bottle

While not an immediate stand-out, this particular sports bottle is 100% Australian-made by one of Impact’s award-winning manufacturers based in Melbourne.

They’ve been in business for over 25 years and provide high-quality products. Because they’re Australian-made, we always have access to the stock and can provide quick shipping.

6. Chocolates

Chocolates look stunning in the many block shapes available or in custom 2D, or even 3D, moulded shapes.

The sweet treat is dressed in a custom, full-colour wrapper or printed foil and can be topped off in a branded presentation box. They look fantastic and this is all before you get to the taste!

Choose milk, light or dark chocolate made in Melbourne from the finest Australian ingredients and your clients or customers will definitely take notice.

Australian made promotional products for your brand...

Australia produces some very special products. Those above are just some of what’s available for promotional merchandise and all made in our own back yard. You don’t have to look far for your next promotional product.

Just try our Merch Matcher and select Australian made as your sourcing requirement!


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Your Trade Show Swag

Your Trade Show Swag

3 Ways to Make an Impact with Event Merchandise

Trade show merchandise includes notebooks and pens, shown on a pink background.

A trade show is a different beast when it comes to promotional products. Quality and client focus are still necessary but first impressions are so important in such close proximity to direct competition. Focusing on the three points below will make your trade show swag, and your brand, memorable.


Trade shows and exhibitions are busy spaces. So many people with so much to see and it’s not just the booths that will be doing the advertising. Anything on or in the hands of all those people will be visible. So obviously it’s smart to put your brand wherever you can.

  • Shirts are the clear pick here, but make sure they’re attractive and well-made. You want visitors to want them and want to wear them. The “want” is important because if attendees see a great giveaway shirt, they will seek you out to get one for themselves.
  • Hats, but only if your target demographic are typical hat-wearers. No one is going to suddenly start wearing a hat (especially indoors) just because they were handed one. Remember, you want them to use it on the day to draw more potential business to your booth or marquee.
  • Bags! These will come up again because they are just great promotional products. Exhibition-goers will receive A LOT of promotional products over the course of the event. You want them to use your bag to carry it all. A great trade show bag needs to be durable and reusable, with an eye-catching design.


Give the people something they’ll use again and again, not just for the duration of the exhibition. If trade show-goers value your promotional products, they’ll incorporate them into their lives post-exhibition.

  • Reusable coffee cups are a great product by themselves. On top of that with environmental sustainability on everyone’s mind, yours will have great reusability both during the show and afterwards.
  • Bags! There it is again. If yours is a great bag, stylish and well-made, it will replace the one they bought for $2 extra at Cotton On.
  • Pens, we know they’re a staple, hard to make exciting. However, for every appointment they make or number they write down, your booth visitors will be flashing your brand about. It’ll go home with them and get months of use, reminding them of you.


This isn’t high school, you want people to start talking about you, with each other and with you. Draw them in with exciting and interesting promotional products that they’ve glimpsed at your booth or they’ve spotted other people with.

  • Technological items have a high perceived value and will draw potential customers to you. USBs and ear buds will be snapped up because these are things that we use frequently and to death. We always need more, and you can provide them to the appreciative crowd.
  • A recent hit in the promotional product world is the vacuum drink bottle. These stainless steel vessels are super sleek and when you pair them with a splash of powder-coated colour, trade show attendees will be lining up for one with your name on it. They’ll use this perfect branded bottle over and over again in all situations making the hype about them real. 
  • This last item is great one for potential clients on the go, much like those attending a trade show! They’re out and about all day, networking and connecting and exchanging numbers and researching various companies, their device is chowing through battery like crazy and then you save the day with a branded power bank to keep them going. What a hero!

Promotional products work well as initial points of contact between businesses and their potential customers. They’re a business card with a greater purpose but you need to make yours stand out when competing for attention at a trade show or exhibition. Aim for these three things and you won’t go wrong.

Events and trade shows are a key, must-win moment for so many of our clients. That being so, we’ve put together a helpful tool to bring your brand to life at your next event.